Meeting documents

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
Tuesday, 9th August, 2011 10.00 am

Committee Rooms 5 and 6, Council House, Coventry


No attendance information recorded for this meeting.

Other Attendees

No visitors were present at this meeting.

Meeting Documents

 AgendasApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Agenda - 9th August, 2011 0
 MinutesApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Minutes - 9th August, 2011 0
 ReportsApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document 03 - Minutes of 15th June 2011 138 Kb
Adobe PDF document 03a) - Revised Minutes - 15th June, 2011 79 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05a) - Consideration of Call-in Stage 1 - Secondary School Transport Policy 546 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05b) - Briefing Note for Consideration of Call-in Stage 2 - abc Review of Day Care in Sure Start 22 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05b) - Consideration of Call-in - Stage 2 - abc Review of Day Care in Sure Start Children's Centres 0
Adobe PDF document 05c) - Cabinet/Cabinet Member Items of Urgent Public Business - Voluntary Redundancy Scheme 0
Adobe PDF document 05d) - Special Urgency for Key Decisions - Public Sports and Leisure Provision 0
Adobe PDF document 06) - SCRUCO Work Programme 2011-2012 0

NOTE: All documents open in a new window.

Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.