Meeting documents

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
Wednesday, 3rd January, 2007 1.00 pm

Committee Rooms, Council House, Coventry


Councillor Mohammed Asif Councillor Mohammed Asif attended this meeting Councillor Mohammed Asif was not absent Councillor Mohammed Asif did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Mohammed Asif
Councillor Sucha Bains Councillor Sucha Bains attended this meeting Councillor Sucha Bains was not absent Councillor Sucha Bains did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Sucha Bains
D Bone D Bone did not attend this meeting D Bone was absent D Bone did not send apologies Not applicable to D Bone
Councillor Joseph Clifford Councillor Joseph Clifford attended this meeting Councillor Joseph Clifford was not absent Councillor Joseph Clifford did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Joseph Clifford
Councillor George Arthur Duggins Councillor George Arthur Duggins did not attend this meeting Councillor George Arthur Duggins was not absent Councillor George Arthur Duggins sent apologies Not applicable to Councillor George Arthur Duggins
S Hanson S Hanson did not attend this meeting S Hanson was absent S Hanson did not send apologies Not applicable to S Hanson
Councillor Nigel Lee Councillor Nigel Lee attended this meeting Councillor Nigel Lee was not absent Councillor Nigel Lee did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Nigel Lee
Councillor John Mutton Councillor John Mutton attended this meeting Councillor John Mutton was not absent Councillor John Mutton did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor John Mutton
Mr R Potter Mr R Potter did not attend this meeting Mr R Potter was absent Mr R Potter did not send apologies Not applicable to Mr R Potter
Councillor Clifford Ridge Councillor Clifford Ridge attended this meeting Councillor Clifford Ridge was not absent Councillor Clifford Ridge did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Clifford Ridge
Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon attended this meeting Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon was not absent Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon
Mrs Linda Wainscot Mrs Linda Wainscot did not attend this meeting Mrs Linda Wainscot was absent Mrs Linda Wainscot did not send apologies Not applicable to Mrs Linda Wainscot
Councillor Andrew John Williams Councillor Andrew John Williams did not attend this meeting Councillor Andrew John Williams was not absent Councillor Andrew John Williams sent apologies Councillor Andrew John Williams was substituted (Councillor Gary Crookes)

Other Attendees

Cllr G Ridley 
Cllr J Gazey 
Cllr S Dixon 

Meeting Documents

 AgendasApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Agenda - 3rd January, 2007 26 Kb
 MinutesApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Minutes 3rd January, 2007 27 Kb
 ReportsApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document 04 - Understanding the Future: Priorities for England's Museums - Response to Government Consultation Paper 957 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05 - Partner City Market - Additional Information 75 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06.1 - Report Back on the Work of Outside Bodies - Whitefriars Housing Group 53 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06.2 - Report Back on the Work of Outside Bodies - Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Sub Group 42 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06.3 - Report Back on the Work of Outside Bodies - Martha Flint and Emma Osmond Educational Foundation 27 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06.4 - Report Back on the Work of Outside Bodies - Daimler Green Community Trust 29 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06.5 - Report Back on the Work of Outside Bodies - Coventry Airport Consultative Committee 29 Kb
Adobe PDF document 07 - Outstanding Issues - 3rd January, 2007 31 Kb
Adobe PDF document 08 - Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee Work Programme 2006-7 42 Kb

NOTE: All documents open in a new window.

Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.