Meeting documents

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
Wednesday, 1st September, 2010 10.00 am

Committee Rooms 2 and 3, Council House, Coventry


D Beech D Beech did not attend this meeting D Beech was absent D Beech did not send apologies Not applicable to D Beech
Councillor Kevin Foster Councillor Kevin Foster attended this meeting Councillor Kevin Foster was not absent Councillor Kevin Foster did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Kevin Foster
S Hanson S Hanson did not attend this meeting S Hanson was absent S Hanson did not send apologies Not applicable to S Hanson
R Hickingbotham R Hickingbotham did not attend this meeting R Hickingbotham was absent R Hickingbotham did not send apologies Not applicable to R Hickingbotham
Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE attended this meeting Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE was not absent Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ram Parkash Lakha OBE
Councillor Rachel Lancaster Councillor Rachel Lancaster attended this meeting Councillor Rachel Lancaster was not absent Councillor Rachel Lancaster did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Rachel Lancaster
Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas attended this meeting Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas was not absent Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ann Evelyn Lucas
Councillor John Douglas McNicholas Councillor John Douglas McNicholas did not attend this meeting Councillor John Douglas McNicholas was not absent Councillor John Douglas McNicholas sent apologies Councillor John Douglas McNicholas was substituted (Councillor Seamus Walsh)
Councillor Mal Mutton Councillor Mal Mutton attended this meeting Councillor Mal Mutton was not absent Councillor Mal Mutton did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Mal Mutton
Mr R Potter Mr R Potter did not attend this meeting Mr R Potter was absent Mr R Potter did not send apologies Not applicable to Mr R Potter
Councillor Gary Ridley Councillor Gary Ridley attended this meeting Councillor Gary Ridley was not absent Councillor Gary Ridley did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Gary Ridley
Councillor Ed Ruane Councillor Ed Ruane attended this meeting Councillor Ed Ruane was not absent Councillor Ed Ruane did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Ed Ruane
Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon did not attend this meeting Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon was not absent Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon sent apologies Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon was substituted (Councillor John Blundell)
Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE attended this meeting Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE was not absent Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Kenneth John Taylor OBE
Mrs Linda Wainscot Mrs Linda Wainscot did not attend this meeting Mrs Linda Wainscot was absent Mrs Linda Wainscot did not send apologies Not applicable to Mrs Linda Wainscot

Other Attendees

No visitors were present at this meeting.

Meeting Documents

 AgendasApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Agenda - 1st September, 2010 0
 MinutesApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Minutes - 1st September, 2010 0
 ReportsApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document 03 - Minutes - 14th July, 2010 0
Adobe PDF document 05 - Neighbourhood Management Review - Consultation 0
Adobe PDF document 06 - Transformation Programme - Partnership Progress Report 2010 0
Adobe PDF document 08 - Local Enterprise Partnerships 0
Adobe PDF document 09 - Scrutiny Boards' 2008/2009 Annual Report to Council 0
Adobe PDF document 10 - Scrutiny Development Plan 2010-2011 0
Adobe PDF document 11 - Report Back on Conference - Civic Visit to Kiel, Germany for 128th Kieler Woche 0
Adobe PDF document 12 - SCRUCO Work Programme 2010-2011 0

NOTE: All documents open in a new window.

Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.