Meeting documents

Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee
Wednesday, 1st March, 2006 1.00 pm

Committee Room 3, Council House, Coventry


Councillor Joseph Clifford Councillor Joseph Clifford attended this meeting Councillor Joseph Clifford was not absent Councillor Joseph Clifford did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Joseph Clifford
Councillor Susanna Dixon Councillor Susanna Dixon attended this meeting Councillor Susanna Dixon was not absent Councillor Susanna Dixon did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Susanna Dixon
Councillor George Arthur Duggins Councillor George Arthur Duggins attended this meeting Councillor George Arthur Duggins was not absent Councillor George Arthur Duggins did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor George Arthur Duggins
Councillor Russell Field Councillor Russell Field did not attend this meeting Councillor Russell Field was not absent Councillor Russell Field sent apologies Not applicable to Councillor Russell Field
Councillor John Mutton Councillor John Mutton attended this meeting Councillor John Mutton was not absent Councillor John Mutton did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor John Mutton
Councillor Brian David Patton Councillor Brian David Patton did not attend this meeting Councillor Brian David Patton was not absent Councillor Brian David Patton sent apologies Not applicable to Councillor Brian David Patton
Councillor Clifford Ridge Councillor Clifford Ridge attended this meeting Councillor Clifford Ridge was not absent Councillor Clifford Ridge did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Clifford Ridge
Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon attended this meeting Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon was not absent Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon did not send apologies Not applicable to Councillor Timothy Winspear Sawdon
Councillor Andrew John Williams Councillor Andrew John Williams did not attend this meeting Councillor Andrew John Williams was not absent Councillor Andrew John Williams sent apologies Councillor Andrew John Williams was substituted (Councillor Nigel Lee)

Other Attendees

Cllr A Matchet 
Cllr D Arrowsmith 
Cllr H Johnson 
Cllr J Gazey 

Meeting Documents

 AgendasApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Additional Agenda Item - University Square 17 Kb
Adobe PDF document Agenda - 1st March, 2006 26 Kb
 MinutesApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document Minutes - 1st March, 2006 26 Kb
 ReportsApprox. Size
Adobe PDF document 05.1 - Outside Body Report - West Midlands Enterprise Limited 30 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05.2 - Outside Body Report - Coventry Venture Capital Ltd 105 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05.3 - Outside Body Report - Connexions Strategic Partnership Board 34 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05.4 - Outside Body Report - Coventry Association for International Friendship 40 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05.5 - Outside Body Report - Coventry Community Safety Partnership 29 Kb
Adobe PDF document 05.6 - Outside Body Report - Coventry (City Council and Housing Associations) Liaison Committee 23 Kb
Adobe PDF document 06 - Outstanding Issues 1st March 30 Kb
Adobe PDF document 07 - Scrutiny Co-ordination Committee Work Programme 2005-6 30 Kb

NOTE: All documents open in a new window.

Declarations Of Interest

No declarations of interest were made at this meeting.