Agenda item

Extending the Section 75 Partnership Agreement for Mental Health Services

Report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People)


The Cabinet Member considered a report of the Deputy Chief Executive (People) regarding extending the Section 75 Partnership Agreement for Mental Health Services.  This report sought permission to extend the existing Section 75 Partnership Agreement with Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust (CWPT) for the delivery of integrated mental health services.


The report noted that the City Council entered into a Section 75 agreement on 1st April 2014 following Cabinet approval, initially for a three year period but with provision for annual extensions.  The agreement was extended from the 1st April 2017 for a period of 12 months and again in April 2018 and this report sought permission for a third extension of this agreement for a further 12 months.


The Section 75 Partnership Agreement provided the legal framework to underpin joint working in Adult and Older People's Mental Health Services.  Under this framework, joint Health and Social Care teams delivered mental health services from a single line management structure led by CWPT with designated Council staff seconded, and the delegation of specific social care duties.  Although the service delivery elements were integrated the financial responsibilities for health and social care remained separate with this separation to continue under the extended agreement.


Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and CWPT remained committed to integrated working practices as a means for delivering joined up support to people with mental ill health across Coventry and Warwickshire, the S75 agreement continued to provide a suitable vehicle through which to deliver this.


Over the period of the previous extensions a formal review of the agreement was undertaken.  In summary the review concluded that whilst there were pressures within the service that needed consideration in order to enable staff and managers to deliver the integrated health and social care service and maximise the contribution each professional brought, it currently remained the most appropriate way to deliver services in the City.


As an outcome of the review it was considered that seeking to continue the S75 arrangements as opposed to dissolving this and returning to single agency arrangements for mental health services was preferable.  There were however a number of matters that arose within the review that needed to be addressed prior to committing to a new and longer term arrangement.  The further 12 month extension was to enable these changes to be made.  However, critical to this was the wider review of Mental Health Services being undertaken within the System Transformation Programme (STP).  This work along with other key elements had yet to conclude and the impact on the s75 arrangements were not yet known.  On that basis and to enable further consideration a further 12 month extension was required. 


Officers noted that they were working towards a greater understanding of performance and a dashboard and demonstrating integration. 


The Shadow Cabinet Member commented on the positive forward thinking about outcomes and Councillor Gannon asked if it was likely that there would be more Section 75 agreements and officers felt this was probable.


The Cabinet Member thanked all those involved for their valuable contributions to working together.


RESOLVED that the Cabinet Member approve the extension of the existing s75 partnership arrangement to provide Integrated Health and Social Care Secondary Mental Health Care Services commencing 1 April 2019 for a 12 month period.

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